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发表于 2013-8-22 13:10
有了音箱当然要好的功放来推,用什么功放呢?其实就这点来说,我一点也没有纠结过,之前在香港论坛里看到的7*1000W超级牛功放Earthquake Cinénova Grande 7-Channel一直铭记在心啊。
賣出部天龍4308A,引入馬記AV7005及地震無敵後級CINENOVA GRANDE 7聲道。這部後級是我的DREAM PRODUCT,擁有一隻4 kVa 超級大牛,每聲道再另有一隻獨立牛,合共有八隻牛,開機時真係成屋啲燈都會閃一閃!所以後面佢都整咗個BREAKER。重量達163磅,兩固彪型大漢都幾乎攞唔起。多謝音響技術錢大姐與大草哥幫我攞到個靚價!但對我來說,依然是是分身家之物,購入後只能食樹皮。
2000 watts dynamic, per. channel into two ohms.
1200 watts dynamic, per. channel into 4 ohms
600 watts dynamic, per. channel into 8 ohms ..
1000 watts into 2 ohms, * TSP * (True Sine Wave Power) up to 2700 watts continuously for unlimited time.
660 watts into 4 ohms, * TSP * (True Sine Wave Power) up to 2700 watts continuously for unlimited time.
300 watts into 8-ohm, * TSP * (True Sine Wave Power) all channels driven continuously for unlimited time.
XLR and RCA inputs
Frequency Range: 1W + /-0.1dB: 20Hz to 20kHz
Signal-to-noise ratio: 112dB at 1kHz-111dB at 5kHz / 110dB at 10kHz
Input impedance: 27,000 ohms.
4000VA ferrite OFC low regulation transformer with five Bi-File secondary windings.
Damping Factor: 1.600
Cinénova Grande exceed effortless technical standards set up by THX, DTS and Dolby Laboratories.
Channel Separation: at least 110 dB.
Max. Input voltage: 1.9 volts.
THD: 1kHz, 8 ohms: 0.001%
12v trigger (ie can be switched automatically from your preamplifier or other components with 12v trigger output).
Built-in Crossover: selectable between high-pass and low-pass or disengaged. 20Hz - 5kHz infinitely variable. The crossover allows you to determine how much bandwidth your speakers to reproduce. Use the amplifier to bi-amping two channels can be made to reproduce bass / midrange frequencies and two channels for the treble and the last channel might. drive a large passive subwoofer. All this without using any crossovers.
Loud oversized, gold plate 7-way output terminals.
Dimensions (HxWxD): 235x457x533 mm.
Weight: 61,5 kg. Carrying handle on the front panel. Proper lifting technique is recommended.
Handmade in the USA.
Available in black and silver.
The transformer has a built-in thermal protection.
ICFTU (Fused Fault Indicators). Diode indicators on the amplifier rear indicates whether a parameter has been exceeded.
Each module block is thermally protected.
The amplifier is protected against forwarding bad DC to the speaker.
The amplifier is protected against short circuit, transistor burning and internal errors.
The amplifier is equipped with a 20 amp main fuse (supports your electrical installation larger effect, fuse switch to a major).
Each module block is equipped with a 15 amp main fuse pop.
Each module block is equipped with two paragraphs. 10 amps pop. voltage fuses. One for + and one for -. Two diodes back of each modular block monitors whether a fuse is blown.
Transistor burning.
Connection Dropouts and internal fault (open circuit)
Power transient (prevents the amplifier from making loud noise in the loudspeaker at boot).
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