楼主: 芒果蛋糕


发表于 2006-11-17 13:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-11-17 13:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-12-11 20:18 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-14 16:16 | 显示全部楼层


December 13, 2006
CONTACT:  Teni Melidonian - (310) 247-3090
Ennio Morricone to Receive
Honorary Academy Award®

Beverly Hills, CA — Composer-conductor Ennio Morricone, who has composed more than 300 motion picture scores over a 45-year career, has been voted an Honorary Award by the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

The Award, an Oscar® statuette, will be given to Morricone at the 79th Academy Awards® presentation on February 25, 2007, “for his magnificent and multifaceted contributions to the art of film music.”

Morricone has earned five Academy Award nominations for original score — for “Days of Heaven” (1978), “The Mission” (1986), “The Untouchables” (1987), “Bugsy” (1991) and “Malèna” (2000) — but has not previously received an Oscar.

“The board was responding not just to the remarkable number of scores that Mr. Morricone has produced,” said Academy President Sid Ganis, “but to the fact that so many of them are beloved and popular masterpieces.”

While the bulk of his work has been on Italian films, including “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” “Once upon a Time in America” and “Cinema Paradiso,” Morricone has composed memorable scores for such international titles as “Bulworth,” “In the Line of Fire,” “La Cage aux Folles” and “Two Mules for Sister Sara.” His current project, “Leningrad,” has been announced for a 2008 release.

Born in Rome, Morricone was hired in 1964 by Sergio Leone and began a long collaboration with the director on what came to be known as “spaghetti westerns,” though his career has spanned most ***enres from comedy to romance to horror.

Morricone’s Honorary Oscar will be presented, along with other Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2006, on Sunday, February 25, 2007 at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center®. The Oscars® will be televised live by the ABC Television Network beginning at 5 p.m. PST (8 p.m. EST), with a half-hour red carpet arrivals segment, “The Road to the Oscars.”

# # #
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
8949 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1972
(310) 247-3000


Ennio Morricone大师1928年生于罗马,毕业于著名的圣切契里亚音乐学院,迄今为止已经参与制作了各国电影配乐作品400多部,是意大利最多产,最有建树的作曲家,虽然他一生仅仅获得过奥斯卡奖的区区几次提名,但是其他任何一位摘得金像的作曲家,在见到Ennio大师的时候都会毕恭毕敬的主动伸双手相握!


    从1964年到1984年的这20年间,Ennio Morricone与意大利导演Sergio Leone共同在世界电影史上,写下了熠熠发光的一页.在他们2人合作的"赏金三部曲":<一把金币>(A Fistful of Dollars);<为了多几块金币>(For A Few Dollars More);<好坏丑>(The Good,The Bad and The Ugly)中,世界电影音乐史上首次出现了粗砺,潇洒的小号主题;空寂,辽远,漫不经心的口哨独奏;甩鞭声,由男声合唱出的戏谑音效;和加弱音器的小号怪诞,调侃的音色.令人耳目一新,给世界各地的观众留下了深刻的印象.

    Ennio Morricone和Sergio Leone合作完成的"往事三部曲"更是人类电影史上不可超越的三座丰碑.无论是1972年的<革命往事>(Once Upon A Time: TheRevolution);1984年的<美国往事>(Once Upon A Time In America);还是1968年的<西部往事>(Once Upon a Time in the West),全都饱含着Ennio大师无与伦比的美妙音乐,观众们很难忘记那动人心魄的排萧独奏;那凄厉哽咽,刺人心肺的口琴声;更难忘记那牵动着人类共有怀旧情结,仿佛飘过了无限时空的女高音无言哼唱......这些迷人的音色,流畅的旋律以及隽永的风格,对世界各国无数的影片产生了巨大影响.


    Ennio Morricone也许是二十世纪最伟大、最多产的电影配乐大师。我们已经无法计算他创作了多少部电影的配乐,大概有差不多500部,几乎任何风格的电影都有他的创作足迹。所以当我们被他神奇的电影音乐所感染的时刻,让我们记住这个伟大的音乐家的名字–Ennio Morricone。

    他创作的音乐风格极其多样化,种类可谓繁多至极,从古典、爵士到电子、摇滚都在他的音乐作品中有所体现,他曾因《天堂之日》(Days of Heaven)、《教会》(The Mission)、《铁面无私》 (The Untouchable)、《豪情四海》(Bugsy)、《真爱伴我行》(Malena)五次荣获奥斯卡原着音乐提名奖。


[ 本帖最后由 芒果蛋糕 于 2006-12-14 16:33 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-16 14:53 | 显示全部楼层


December 14, 2006
CONTACT:  Teni Melidonian - (310) 247-3090
Sherry Lansing to Receive
Hersholt Humanitarian Award
at 79th Academy Awards&reg;
Beverly Hills, CA — Sherry Lansing, the former chairman of Paramount Pictures Motion Picture Group, has been voted the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award by the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Academy President Sid Ganis announced today. The award, an Oscar&reg; statuette, will be presented to Lansing during the 79th Academy Awards presentation on February 25, 2007.

The Hersholt Award is given to an individual in the motion picture industry whose humanitarian efforts have brought credit to the industry.

“Sherry is being honored not only for her passionate work in support of fighting cancer,” said Ganis, “but because the Board recognized and remembered the long list of charitable organizations and causes she has served, and her long history in serving them. Sherry has earned enormous respect throughout the industry not only for her successful career as a producer and studio head, but because she has never failed to further devote her enormous energy to the needs of others.”

Lansing helped Dr. Armand Hammer form the nonprofit organization Stop Cancer and serves on its board. She is on the board of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, founded to honor excellence in basic and clinical science, and is a trustee of the American Association for Cancer Research. In addition, she serves on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee of the California Institute for Stem Cell Research and on the American Red Cross Board of Governors Advisory Committee and is a trustee of the Carter Center, the human rights organization formed by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn. She also serves as a regent of the University of California.

A graduate of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, Lansing got her feet wet in Hollywood as an actress, a career she quickly abandoned for production. She joined Talent Associates as an executive in charge of development in 1974, moving to MGM in 1975. She joined Columbia Pictures two years later as vice president in charge of production. She was named president of 20th Century-Fox Productions in 1980, and in 1983 formed Jaffe-Lansing Productions with Stanley Jaffe. After Jaffe was appointed president of Paramount Communications in 1990, Sherry became chairman of the Motion Picture Group in 1992.

The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award will be presented along with Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2006 on Sunday, February 25, 2007, at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center&reg; and televised live by the ABC Television Network beginning at 5 p.m. PST with a half-hour red carpet arrivals segment, “The Road to the Oscars&reg;.”

# # #
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
8949 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1972
(310) 247-3000


美国电影艺术与科学学院理事会经过投票决定,今年的奥斯卡“琼·赫肖尔特人道主义奖”(Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award)将被授予前派拉蒙电影集团主席雪莉·兰辛(Sherry Lansing),该奖项将于明年2月25日奥斯卡颁奖典礼上和其他奖项一同颁发。



学院主席悉德·甘尼斯(Sid Ganis)说:“雪莉获奖不只是因为她在支持与癌症病魔斗争方面的工作,更因为她长期为各种慈善组织和活动坚持不懈的服务。雪莉作为一个制片人和电影公司的官员事业上十分成功,但为她赢得尊敬的是她从不拒绝把她的精力用到帮助别人的事情上。”


第79届奥斯卡颁奖典礼(79th Academy Awards&reg;)将于2007年2月25日(周日)举行,之前会有名为“The Road to the Oscars”的半个小时的红地毯电视节目。


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-16 15:03 | 显示全部楼层


December 15, 2006
CONTACT:  Teni Melidonian - (310) 247-3090
Seven Vie for Visual Effects Oscar&reg;

Beverly Hills, CA — The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced that seven films are in consideration for achievement in Visual Effects for the 79th Academy Awards&reg;.

The films are listed below in alphabetical order:

“Casino Royale”(皇家赌场)
“Night at the Museum”(博物馆之夜)
“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest”(加勒比海盗:亡灵宝藏)
“Superman Returns”(超人归来)
“X-Men The Last Stand”(X战警:背水一战)

On Wednesday, January 17, the Academy’s Visual Effects Award nominating committee will view 15-minute film excerpts from each of the seven shortlisted films. Following the screenings, members will vote to nominate three films for Oscar consideration.

Nominations for the 79th Academy Awards will be announced on Tuesday, January 23, 2007, at 5:30 a.m. PST in the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater.

Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2006 will be presented on Sunday, February 25, 2007, at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center&reg;, and televised live by the ABC Television Network at 5 p.m. PST, beginning with a half-hour arrivals segment.

# # #
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
8949 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1972
(310) 247-3000

[ 本帖最后由 芒果蛋糕 于 2006-12-16 15:04 编辑 ]

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发表于 2006-12-20 17:10 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-12-20 21:01 | 显示全部楼层
不错不错 !!!!

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发表于 2006-12-20 22:56 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-11 19:37 | 显示全部楼层

79届奥斯卡最佳化妆奖入围名单 迪斯尼四部入选

  新浪娱乐讯 美国电影艺术与科学学院于当地时间1月9日正式公布第79届奥斯卡最佳化妆奖的入围名单,共7部作品进入复赛阶段,迪斯尼占4/7。获选的三部暑期大作与四部秋冬片中,既有叫好叫座的巨制,也有好评如潮的小品,亦惊现《圣诞老人3》这样外强中干、有票房无口碑的失败作。1月20日,各位选手剪辑的最具自家特色的10分钟片花,将一齐亮相评审会,届时学院将甄选三部作品晋级最终的提名名单。具体入围名单如下:

  《启示》        迪斯尼
  《神奇遥控器》     索尼
  《潘神的迷宫》     电影之家
  《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》 迪斯尼
  《致命魔术》      迪斯尼
  《圣诞老人3》      迪斯尼
  《X战警3》       20世纪福克斯

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