本帖最后由 trouble男孩 于 2017-8-30 07:45 编辑
《巴霍巴利王 终章》里一段带完整中字片段,本人被这气势震撼到了。https://imgcache.qq.com/tencentvideo_v1/playerv3/TPout.swf?max_age=86400&v=20161117&vid=j0514a478zy&auto=0
这首《Jay Jaykara》印地语,歌曲同上一首,只是印度地区的方言不同,大家更喜欢哪一首?
歌曲名《Dandaalayyaa》泰卢固语、《Jay Jaykara》印地语,意为《荣耀属于你》,是人民歌唱对巴霍巴利思念寄托。
歌词大意: *灿烂的太阳* *离开过天空没有* *这盏灯*
*无论你走到哪儿* *都会成为我们的天堂* *没人能明白你神一样的行为* *你就是弱者的力量* *受你庇护的人不必惧怕任何人* *我们身体的每一寸都充满着快乐* *像树枝一样摇摆* *你是上天选定之人* *满足了我们的渴望* *像天上的云彩* *你就是那流淌琼浆的溪流* *荣耀属于你,荣耀属于你* *大人,总是在我们需要的时候帮助我们* *荣耀属于你,荣耀属于你* *大人,永远在我们需要的时候帮助我们*
*Does the sun...*
*...ever leave the skies?*
*Does the lamp...*
*...ever burn without the wick?*
*Does the sun...*
*...ever leave the skies?*
*Does the lamp...*
*...ever burn without the wick?*
*This is unfair.*
*Every eye is filled with tears.*
*You left us.*
*How can we live?*
*You're our benefactor.*
*You're our support.*
*You're our entire world.*
*You're our sun...*
*...and the stars.*
*Glory to you...Glory to you...*
*Lord,always help us when in need.*
*Glory to you...Glory to you...*
*Lord,always help us when in need.*
*Wherever you shall set foot...*
*...turns into paradise for us.*
*No one can understand your divine play.*
*You're the strength of the weak.*
*Those under you refuge,need not fear anyone.*
*Every inch of our body is filled with joy.*
*Swaying like the branches.*
*You're the one...*
*...who quenches our thirst...*
*Like the clouds.*
*You're that stream of nectar.*
*Glory to you...Glory to you...*
*Lord,always help us in need.*
*Glory to you...Glory to you...*
*Lord,always help us in need.*