上上周,我老婆用蓝光 (sony S350)给闺女放动画片 -- 美食总动员,突然一下画面静止,按键无效, 强行关机后,再开机,放任何盘 正版蓝光、CD盘,都显示No disc
然后 我插上网线,配置好参数, 成功升级到了最新的固件
但是还是同样的毛病,完。。。 不管插入任何盘,都显示No disc ,就是连读盘的声音都没有
我网上查了一下 这种毛病的很多,而且用的时间跟我这台差不多,都是1年半左右 有一个更惨,
下面这人跟我一样 也是给孩子放动画片
Thanks for this thread, I have exactly same no-disc issue. Especially William, my unit also failed while playing Wall-E for my kids, and exactly same “No Disc”, and complaining about external memory. Very disappointed with Sony. No more Sony for me, another Japanese Company just gone under like (Toyota) - very Sad!
I guess I’m joining the club - I’ve owned my s350 for 17 months, and it just suddenly stopped recognizing the blu-rays. I realized my firmware was out of date, I just installed v20, and still NOTHING. Thanks for letting me know not to waste my time with calling Sony. |